Reflective Teaching Day #22 – PLN

Day 22- @TeachThough  30 Day Reflective Teaching Challenge  

What does your PLN look like, and what does it do for your teaching?

My Personal/profession learning network is diverse and broad. It contains students, teachers, administrators, college professors, authors and parents. Members come from all over the world. Most of my PLN has some passion towards teaching. Some are technology experts, grading experts, middle level experts and pedagogy experts. All of them are learning experts. It is my belief that smart people surround themselves with people smarter than themselves. My PLN sure surrounds me with intelligence that can answer any question in regards to teaching.

What does my PLN do for my teaching? My PLN helps me be a better teacher!

It inspires me. Challenges me. Gives me advice. Suggests tools. When I struggle they offer suggestions. When I have a bad day in the classroom they pick me up. Having a PLN re-energizes me. Reassures me when I lack the confidence to try something new. A PLN helps us grow with failures instead of seeing them as a destination. My PLN helps me grow as a teacher passing the growth on to my students.