Reflective Teaching Day 23- Community

Day 23 – @TeachThough  30 Day Reflective Teaching Challenge  

Write about one way that you “meaningfully” involve the community in the learning in your classroom. If you don’t yet do so, discuss one way you could get started.

I currently don’t meaningfully involve my community in my classroom. I think it is something I need to put more effort in to accomplishing. Currently, I do tweet and post pictures about the learning in our classroom. I connect to my students homes by using Remind, sharing assignments and classroom information.

Working in Southeastern Michigan, I feel I should be bringing in auto engineers to explain how science is used in their jobs. Being near the Great Lakes, Boat Captains that navigate the lakes should be coming in to share about their experiences. My students should have an invention week where they are allowed to be “makers’ and create solutions to problems, culminating in a community sharing day where we invite the community in to see the wondrous learning. I hope to add these elements, to connect us to the community.

School districts need to have community managers that help the teachers reach out into the community and make these connections happen. I have tried in the past and often it seems all the work is for just a few.