Reflective Teaching Day 8- Desk Drawer

Day 8-  @TeachThough 30 day reflective teaching blog challenge 


What’s in your desk drawer, and what can you infer from those contents?

20140908-210601-75961834.jpg What is in my desk draw? Not much! A few odds and ends, some rulers, headphones, highlighters and discount cards. I do not spend much time at my desk. I rarely open the drawers or sit at the desk. Often the top of the desk is just covered in papers and other classroom supplies. I don’t think I had open my desk this year until I opened it to take the picture for this blog.

The items in my draw imply that I don’t use it for things of value or need. They tell that I rarely open the drawer. When I looked at the receipt it was dated 2012. Been awhile since it has been cleaned out, but nothing of much value really in this draw. Was looking for my CVS Extra Care card, YEAH! hidden treasure! I guess you never know what you will find when you look in the teacher’s desk!